不疼 不疼

他眼里没有我。 他看不到我。 就算我多么靠近,多么渴望,他始终看不到我。 你爱的那个他占据了你的一切。就算我无数次地徘徊,我始终做不进你的心房了。 就算我就在你的身边,仅在你的眼前,我依旧是那个透明人。 你,我摸不着,看不到。 我真恨得累了,真的想放弃你了。 你放过我好吗? 不要对我笑,不要跟我说话,不要看我,不要接近我,不要 不要不要再对我好了。 我很笨,你对我好 我会误会。误会你对我有感觉 误会我成功了。 我不要再这样了。 放手,放开我,让我走。 你爱她,就不要望着我。 求你了。 我以伤不起了,我的心以碎。不疼了 不疼了 放手后 爱你的人会在远方 他不稀罕你的一切,可以定有一个人着望着你,等你,稀罕这你的一切,想把全世界给你。 他注定是人生的过客,不值得怀念。笑吧,明天会更好。

I wasnt born to be a warrior..

From the start, i know that the world was going to be cruel. It is going to rip my heart and my soul to pieces, devouring everything of me till all i was is a speck of dust. I kept everyone a distance away from me.  I tried to be the big girl, the tough girl, the girl who no one can hurt or can reach. I toughened my heart so that no one can ever break it again or even come close to it again .But with all the protection wall I placed around, i seemed to forget that Im not that tough after all, Im not that impenetrable after all.

I was still the girl whose heart is really soft and cant say no to people. I was still the girl who cant seem to grow up after all the shit i been through. I was still the girl who need someone to stand by with and give me the strength to move on. I forgot that i wasnt born to be a warrior. I cant brave the storms and seas myself. I cant.. I just cant.. I need you. really really need you..  Some words of concerns from you are all i need to keep going. They are all i need to stand taller and not fear the deadliest storm and the roughest sea. They are all i need to keep that smile on my face and wait for the next sun rise.